As a dietitian/feeding therapist for children with feeding difficulties, the process and time i have observed my children needed were even greater and longer. I pay absolute respect to my patients' parents who send their kids for feeding group therapy with all their might and resources. 

1. Sweet AA is son to PnZ, a loving mother. PnZ has hidden hope and set realistic goals; brave AA is eager to learn and to cope with his "food phobia". You have to watch the way the mom and child smile with each other; heavenly. I seriously think with such great care from PnZ, AA will grow to become a very happy and contributing person to our society, despite some God given disabilities.  I simply love this pair of mom and son.

2. Smiley YX is daughter to MrsC, who would spend every ringgit she has on any food, tool and therapy that might help her daughter that is not eating and growing. 5 years has flown by, age is counting, yet mommy's energy is not dissipating to the slightest. She's still sending me new product info every now and then and ask me "should YX take this product? I heard it is good."

3. Angelic HE is a daughter to MsJ, a single mom who fight for all her resources and time to give HE the best she could. MsJ is a tough mommy and i sensed that a challenging daughter to HE's grandparents. I love her strength and willingness to take up new challenges, such as the cumbersome ketogenic diet therapy in order to help her daughter.

Many parents are giving all of themselves patiently and silently to meet their children's special needs. I pray for them and wish that their children will one day achieve their full potentials.